Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Small History Lesson

As a historian, I look for historical trends and what-not. Partly because those who do not study history and learn from it are doomed to repeat it.

And this came to me - we've forgotten an important lesson from our forefathers.

When you find youself in the situation that you don't like the country you're in because it is politically or culturally unsatisfying, or because there's a famine or whatever, then you leave and go find a different country, or found a new country, where you will fit in better. And sometimes that will require some adaptation, and if that's the case, then you adapt to fit in.

This is the legacy of our forefathers. It is not that we should try to change the country we are in to fit our desires, but that we should change ourselves to fit in, or leave.

I don't know about you, but I got a long list of people I'd love to invite to go live someplace else to form their liberal atheistic utopia instead of destroying this country for the majority of us who think it was just fine before they started messing with it.