Sunday, June 27, 2004

Miscellaneous Bits of Randomness

Is it more or is it less sarcastic to say "In your dreams..." to an insomniac?

Why is it that the Christian denominations that are most strict about the literal interpretation of Scripture are the ones that struggle the most with arriving at the correct exegesis for simple things like "This is my body", "This is my blood", or "I call you Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church"?

As long as there are math tests, there will be prayer in schools. As long as there are 50-yard field goal attempts in the rain with 5 seconds left in the game, there will be prayer at sporting events. As long as there are legislators, judges, or political executives, there will be millions of people praying they don't do anything (else) stupid. Get over it.

The real intent of the agnostic/atheist (mis)interpretation of the Establishment Clause is not to protect people from religious persecution, but to create a new form of persecution against religion? To set up a small minority's "right" to freedom of expression of their non-existent beliefs as trumping everyone else's right of free expression. Exactly the opposite of what the Founding Fathers intended. Does it not seem ridiculous that Michael Newdow claimed that his daughter would be ostracized if she didn't say the Pledge, when the reality is that she wants to say the Pledge and is more likely to be ostracized now because her father is making a national issue over nothing? It is hard not to believe that there will be far more children beat up because their parents made waves than if they'd just left well enough alone and reminded the children that they didn't have to say the words when everyone else did.